Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Gingerbread by Rachel Cohn

Genre: Contemporary, "Chick Lit"

Honors: YALSA Top Ten

Review: Cyd Charisse, named after a famous dancer, has been kicked out of her prestigious boarding school and is now living at home with a family that she will do anything to avoid.  She gets a summer job as a barista near the beach in San Francisco thanks to her new boyfriend Shrimp and his handsome brother.  Follow Cyd as she goes on a journey of self-discovery with her best friend, a doll named Gingerbread, and discovers more about her absent father, her relationship with her mother, and the difficult consequences of teenage love and romance. 

Opinion:  Overall, I think some teen girls will enjoy this book.  It deals with many issues that teens often face such as parental conflicts, non-conformity, anger over uninvolved parents, and of course confusion in romance.  While I read the book I couldn't feel that sorry for Cyd.  She lived in a huge house and had every item she could want; she had a great family and her very own private driver! For me the redeeming theme of this book and what makes it more than the typical "Chic-Lit" is the issue of teen pregnancy and abortion and the complex emotions Cyd expresses regarding this event.

Ideas: None yet...still thinking.

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