Sunday, December 12, 2010

Post Secret Compiled by Frank Warren

Genre: Contemporary, Art

Honors: None Found

Review: Frank Warren decided to start a project called "Postsecret" in which he handed out postcards in places all around the city and asked people to send them back with a secret.  He then took the postcards that came back highly decorated with art and with revealing secrets and created an art display.  In addition to the art display there are several books and a website in which people can create their own postsecrets.  The postsecrets in this book are intriguing and fascinating.  Some are funny, some are heartfelt, while others are really quite sad, but all of the secrets are sure to engage the reader.  While reading Postsecret it is likely that one will find more than one secret of their own written by another person and it is through this connection that Postscret is a captivating book about human nature. 

Opinion:  I was instantly intrigued by this book and as soon as I started to flip through the first few pages I decided to sit down and read the whole book.  After finishing the book I immediately went online and checked out the website and also looked at other books like it.  In other words, this book is highly engaging and interesting and as the author said, I found more than one secret I shared in common with others.  Young adults are sure to love this book as there is nothing more intriguing to a teen than a secret.  There are many postsecrets that seem as if they have been written by teens or about that time period in a person's life.  Young adults will find this book to be something they can relate to and perhaps something they will participate in by writing their own Postsecret.

Ideas: In the library display some of the postsecrets from the book and from the website.  Have students write their own anonymous secrets.  If appropriate post these secrets in a place to be viewed, if this will be too revealing, have students put them in envelopes and put them in a clear jar for others to see.  They will not be able to read the secrets but will be able to see how many were written and will be able to experience the liberation that comes with letting go of a secret. 

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