Genre: Fantasy
Honors: None yet, new movie
Review: Duncan seems like a normal teenage boy. He lives with his single mother, goes to high school, and dresses like a typical teenager. Unexpectedly his father, a huge fire breathing monster called a Kaiju, crashes a teen event, literally, and takes him to an underground world where he explains that Duncan is no ordinary boy. Duncan has special powers such as the ability to breath fire and, despite his small size in comparison to his father, is destined to protect the world and keep peace between the Kaiju and the humans and at the same time try to find peace and acceptance within himself.
Opinion: I was looking forward to this one; the commercials made it look awesome. The animation did not disappoint, but the story itself felt a bit flat and predictable. I think the best part of this film is the graphics and the action scenes.
Ideas: This would be great inspiration for graphic arts classes.